Selasa, 08 November 2011

Futuristic new mind-controlled game

At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, we try out Mattel's latest product, a game powered by the human mind.

25 komentar:

  1. you guys are doing a great job.
    cant wait untill this is going to be on mmorpg

  2. whats that thing hes keeps on twisting

  3. What happens if it goes off the circle thing. I want to throw it at people.

  4. @RobNLynchburgVA How do you know? Have you tried it yeat?

  5. @1153wolverine Reminds me of an "e-meter"

  6. @OuterSpace23 dude please tell me your joking 'super soldiers' as in genetically enhanced and the whole psyops and all tht shit? no such thing as a super soldier unless your talking bout, SAS, SEALS, DELTA these are the closest u get to super! peace!

  7. Their eyes come from the eyeholes.
    what shit thing:)

  8. ppl will be cheating in these games by taking stimulants or depressants to increase certain brainwave activity

  9. @drshields1988 I can see a hardcore COD player doing that..

  10. @LifelessBodi There is actually a star wars thing that has a big tube and it has a little ball in it and you "use the force" on it and then your beta waves spin a fan and the fan raises the ball :D

  11. i lol'd @ mattel... once again

  12. HE DIDNT INVENT THIS!!!!! i played one just like it before this came out. WAYYYYYYYYYYY BEFORE

  13. This thing only operate off of the movement of your head or face only. Its a 79 dollar scam lol

  14. Imagine all the guys pay for the barbie thing and all the chicks got mind flex lol

  15. LMAO the add just owned me

  16. @AlexiaCarcera lol i know. i must admit it actually looks cool.

  17. @zbugcrazygirl ok sher

  18. ok im a teenager and this game looks cool! (and im not the kind that hides in basements playing dungeons and dragons) i might get this for christmas.

  19. @xxxholic9895 dungeons and dragons ftl

  20. this is dumb

  21. I need the barbie thing for my gf so i dont have to spend like $1083658274 at the nail place haha

  22. Ok, The guy who works for matel, what's he gonna say? It's a piece of gimmicky shit. And I have to assume the manicure thing is a piece of shit as well. Seeing as how they were not willing to show you the end result.

  23. Ok, The guy who works for matel, what's he gonna say? It's a piece of gimmicky shit. And I have to assume the manicure thing is a piece of shit as well. Seeing as how they were not willing to show you the end result.
